split phase induction motor
In this type there will be two windings.
- main winding
- auxiliary winding or starting winding
Due to high inductive nature of main winding its current Im lags voltage V by an angle less than 90o and highly resistive nature of starting winding ,the current in it Is will be in phase with voltage V, but practically it is not in phase with V.
The auxiliary winding is disconnected from circuit when the speed of rotor reaches 75 to 80% of synchronous speed by the help of centrifugal switch.At 75 to 80% of synchronous speed the slip is minimum, so the rotor won't stop rotating at that time and it catches the RMF(rotating magnetic field).But the main reason for removing or disconnecting of auxiliary winding is that after 75 to 80 % of synchronous speed the starting winding starts producing heat because it is highly resistive so, this make damage to auxiliary winding and it cannot be used for future purpose.
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